In states such as Montana, most don’t think twice to load the Dogs in the back of the truck when they head out to backcountry ski. Utah does not have this luxury. Both Big Cottonwood Canyon and Little Cottonwood Canyon are designated “Water Shed Areas” which is really another term for “ No Dogs.” Don’t get me wrong, with the amount of backcountry ski travel these canyons see, if everyone brought their dogs, it would border on ridiculousness. By venturing out of the Cottonwood Canyons into places such as the Oquirrh Mountains, Emmigration Canyon, and the Snowbasin periphery, I have had the opportunity to tag along with Scoob and Mayes. The dogs make especially good ski partners when heading out for Solo Missions (no other humans). They are great at testing snow stability, no bitching, and best of all they ward off fellow skiers trying to poach lines.

Scoob trying to go for a free ride on the skin track.

Screw the view, Lets huck the cornice!

Mayes scouting her line.

Scoob stomps on the snowmobile track.
Here is another one of my wack narratives. Luckily I watch these videos before I post and make sure I veto it so I don't bore everyone. I threw this one in because the dogs make up for the boringness.
Looks like fun. Does Scoob ever take off after birds?
ya ya dog! so no dogs really? weak sauce. they they not allow deer or animals to poo either? Man...