I am sure you are all sick of my blogs about skiing, but it is hard to write about anything else when the Wasatch is just this good. The storms have been consistent and the snow deep. The College Crew rolled in for the weekend and awoke to a foot or more of fresh at The Bird. I heard quite a few "That was the best day of the year" comments at the Condo that night. Needless to say, I was excited the others got to sample the Utah goods, that us locals sometimes take for granted.

Mark from Boise was the only one in the house that came with backcountry gear and a split board. Yes, he was rewarded.

Mark felt out a fairly large stump in the white room on this run.

Northwest Face of Silver Fork (Check out the nuking winds coming off the ridge. If you look closely at the right hand side, you can see the wind slab Mark set off.

A closer view of the wind slab debris
Before I met up with Skiapalooza Posse, I had a roomate day in the Basin Backcountry. The roomates and I had one of those days with bluebird skies and perfect snow. We even got the rare opportunity to ski the Fingers. The Fingers are a zone of chutes off Mt. Ogden. They rarely open as they are often chalked with avy debris, contain variable snow, and develop huge cornices. However, today was the day, as they opened for only 2 hours with ideal conditions.

Crow finishing off his run in Cold Water Canyon with Style.

It had been a couple of days since the last storm, but the snow still had the usual Wasatch Charm. Crow tests it out in Hell's Canyon.

Lacey, Saves lives at night and slashes Pow by day

Me, Finishing out the Cold Water run and headed for a little bushwack(I am going to dedicate a future blog to this term)

Getting amongst it in the Wicked Witch.
With all the snow flying around I was due a mental health day. I headed out with Larry and Chris for an ascent of Mt. Wilson My mental health was restored with the 2 ft plus of fresh that welcomed us on Wilson.

I got a lot of crap for the self portraits I posted in my last blog, but I couldn't pass this one up since I was sporting some nice Sweatcicles.

Sweet Terrain of Mt. Wilson
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures. Sweatsicles and all. I can't believe all the untracked snow. Mom